Florida Statute 768.0706(2)(c) / HB 837

On-Demand, Online Proper Crime Deterrence and Safety Training

for employees of multifamily properties

HB837Training.com provides property owners and management companies with a simple and inexpensive solution for proper crime deterrence and safety training as required by Florida Statute 768.0706(2)(c).

Proper Crime Deterrence and Safety Training

Individual Tuition Price: $29.95

Contact us about group pricing.

On-Demand, Video-Based Instruction

HB837Training.com is an on-demand, pay-as-you-go training solution using video-based instruction.


With this approach, there is no need to schedule group classes with a live instructor. As a new employee is hired, set him/her at a computer in the leasing office and train them as part of the onboarding process.

All Compliance Bases Covered

Our training module was developed by an experienced Florida CPTED Practitioner using the curriculum developed by the Florida Crime Prevention Training Institute (FCPTI).

Bilingual Instruction

Don’t let language differences interfere with compliance. Our training system facilitates bilingual instruction using Spanish subtitles.

Personnel Compliance & Organizational Records Management

Our user administration system was specially designed to assist in managing compliance with Fla. Stat. 768.0706(2)(c), allowing owners and management companies to register employees and easily audit training records specific to their properties.

Tips for maintaining compliance with the CPTED Assessment

Video extract from our Proper Crime Deterrence and Safety Training lesson

The following video is a short extract from HB837Training.com’s learning module, “Proper Crime Deterrence and Safety Training,” focusing on advice for maintaining substantial compliance with the CPTED assessment.

Play Video

Frequently Asked Questions

What is HB 837?

HB 837 is the title of a Florida House Bill passed into law in 2023, including Florida Statute 768.0706 which provides a presumption against liability to owners and principal operators of multifamily properties who implement specifically-defined crime prevention measures.

One of the measures required by the law is that all employees working on the property receive “proper crime deterrence and safety training” as defined in Statute 768.0706(2)(c).

What are the training requirements of Florida Statute 768.0706(2)(c)?

Florida Statute 768.0706(2)(c) states:

(1) By January 1, 2025, the owner or principal operator of a multifamily residential property provides proper crime deterrence and safety training to its current employees. After January 1, 2025, the owner or principal operator must provide such training to an employee within 60 days after his or her hire date for purposes of this paragraph.


(2) For purposes of this paragraph, “proper crime deterrence and safety training” means training which trains and familiarizes employees with the security principles, devices, measures, and standards set forth under paragraph (a), and which is reviewed at least every 3 years and updated as necessary. The owner or principal operator may request a law enforcement agency or the Florida Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Practitioner performing the assessment under paragraph (b) to review the training curriculum.


(3) For purposes of establishing the presumption against liability under subsection (2), the burden of proof is on the owner or principal operator to demonstrate that the owner or principal operator has substantially implemented the security measures specified in subsection (2).


(4) The Florida Crime Prevention Training Institute of the Department of Legal Affairs shall develop a proposed curriculum or best practices for owners or principal operators to implement such training. The state has no liability in connection with providing a proposed training curriculum under this subsection.

In summary of the key points, the training should encompass an examination of the seven physical security measures defined in Paragraph A of the statute, and should be reviewed and updated (if necessary) every three years by a law enforcement agency or Florida Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Practitioner. The model curriculum developed by the Florida Crime Prevention Training Institute (FCPTI) also includes a short review of the statute.

Our Proper Crime Deterrence and Safety Training module was built using the FCPTI curriculum as a foundation, and improved further with practical tips for maintaining ongoing compliance.

Who is required to complete “Proper Crime Deterrence and Safety Training” as stated in Florida Statute 768.0706(2)(c)?

All employees working on the property. Newly hired employees are required to receive the training within 60 days of hire.


The statute does not require contractors (e.g., landscapers, security officers, etc.) to complete “Proper Crime Deterrence and Safety Training.” However, it may be beneficial for contractors to complete the training if they have responsibility for matters that relate to Paragraph A of the statute.

What is the purpose of HB837Training.com’s Personnel Compliance & Organizational Records Management system?

To assist with compliance management and retrieving records of training in response to future litigation, HB837Training.com’s student enrollment system allows companies to register organizational administrators and property managers with tools for supervising enrollment and auditing employee training records. With this type of system, there is no worry about property managers or human resources employees failing to maintain accurate records of employee training.

I represent a company with a portfolio of multiple properties that require “Proper Crime Deterrence and Safety Training.” Is there an efficient method for enrolling all of our employees?

Yes. For organizations with a large number of employees who require training, we can provide a spreadsheet for pre-populating employees in our enrollment system. Once we receive the completed spreadsheet, all employees will be entered into our system and pre-authorized as active students.

Is there a Spanish language option available?

Yes. Spanish speaking students can chose the Spanish language closed captioning option when watching the video. If a student has difficulty reading the closed captions as the video plays, the video speed control can be used to slow down the video as necessary.

How does the system track completion of the training?

Our learning management system tracks progress as students watch the video. Students can scrub backwards to review earlier parts of the video, but they cannot scrub forward. Once the video has reached the end, the student’s record is updated as completed. At that point, the student can print a certificate of training and their record of completion is maintained for future retrieval if needed during litigation.

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